The role of cash flow in borrowing from commercial banks: An applied study on a sample of commercial banks


  • Zahraa N. Obaed Technical College of Management, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq



commercial banks, liquidity, cash flows, borrowing


The statement of cash flows carries great importance for the users of the financial statements and facilitates the process of understanding and analyzing them because it provides financial information that is free from misleading and is modern as one of the main requirements of the establishments and provides useful information about the establishment’s operational, investment and financing activities. It exposes commercial banks to financial crises and risks. Cash, cash liquidity risks, and it has to draw the responsibilities of the monetary authority and establish an effective central unit through a strategic system and rely on ratios and indicators of cash liquidity because the low level of cash liquidity can expose banks to a financial crisis and financial risks that make them lose the element of safety, profitability and cash liquidity even if they achieve earnings And commercial banks must maintain cash liquidity by preserving cash assets and assets, and the research also found the results of the other bank with very high ratios that outweigh other ratios, such as the cash balance ratio and legal reserve, and the need to pay attention to the surplus and shortage of liquidity that you may be exposed to. Commercial banks during the exercise of their business, and the research also arrived, and the bank has the ability to provide various services and pay the obligations due with its liabilities, as it was found that the higher the rate of employment and loans compared to other banks, it turns out that the bank is able to offer new loans and grant advances and other facilities. Financial statements, including the balance sheet and the statement of cash flows, for the purpose of developing and drawing up plans for the future In order for the bank not to resort to borrowing on commercial banks, a sound policy drawing to avoid exposing the bank to banking and credit risks and cash liquidity risks and formulating an effective and sound strategy for the purpose of managing the securities and loan portfolio.


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How to Cite

Obaed, Z. (2021). The role of cash flow in borrowing from commercial banks: An applied study on a sample of commercial banks. Entrepreneurship Journal for Finance and Business, 2(00), 108–121.



Research articles