Mediating Role of Organizational Learning in Strengthening Relationship Between Strategic Flexibility and Achieving High Performance An analytical exploratory study of opinions of a sample of employees of Holy Karbala Health Department


  • Ahmed A. Amanah Business Administration Department, Faculty of Administration & Economics, Karbala University
  • Layla M. AL-Hakeem Business Administration Department, Faculty of Administration & Economics, Karbala University
  • Alaa H. Fadhil Business Administration Department, Faculty of Administration & Economics, Karbala University
  • Suad J. Sultan Business Administration Department, Faculty of Administration & Economics, Karbala University



strategic flexibility, organizational learning, high performance


Research aims to reveal nature of mediating role of organizational learning in relationship between strategic flexibility and high performance. Intellectual research problem was represented by main question: Does strategic flexibility have an impact on achieving high performance through mediating role of organizational learning? On basis of which sub-questions were raised through which appropriate solutions could be found. While the problem of field study of urgent need to respond to the repercussions of Corona pandemic was manifested through staff that have sufficient flexibility to achieve performance required of them to cross this crisis and sustain that performance through organizational learning of various kinds. Importance of research was evident from importance of the field of application, which needed to provide various solutions to advance and develop reality of health performance, as research was applied in Karbala Health Department on a random sample of (37) employees from its administrative and medical staff, based on a questionnaire form. Used a set of statistical methods to analyze data, including simple correlation coefficient (Pearson), analysis of ANOVA and test (Sobel) by using statistical program SPSS V.25. Research reached a set of conclusions, most important of which is existence of a direct correlation and a significant positive effect between research variables, in addition to presence of an indirect and significant effect of organizational learning in relationship between strategic flexibility and high performance. Based on conclusions of research, researchers were able to formulate a number of recommendations to improve performance levels and respond to Covid 19 crisis, most important of which is increasing interest in organizational learning at level of research community, as it represents real basis for enhancing and improving flexibility and performance of its human resources (administrative and medical staff) on one hand.


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How to Cite

Amanah ا., AL-Hakeem ل., Fadhil ع., & Sultan س. (2022). Mediating Role of Organizational Learning in Strengthening Relationship Between Strategic Flexibility and Achieving High Performance An analytical exploratory study of opinions of a sample of employees of Holy Karbala Health Department. Entrepreneurship Journal for Finance and Business, 3(4), 20–39.



Research articles