Peer-review process

The quality of the journal depends on the scientific content it publishes, so the journal seeks to adopt an effective and robust review process for the received research in order to ensure the publication of original scientific research and build a solid academic platform for cultural exchange between researchers. Accordingly, the research submitted for publication is sent after passing the electronic examination stage and receiving the pledge form from the researcher who was referred to in the publication instructions to specialized reviewers for arbitration according to scientific principles according to the following steps:

  • For the purposes of confidentiality and concealment of the name of the researcher for the arbitrators, the received research is sent without mentioning the name and address of the researcher.
  • The received research is subject to a scientific arbitration by two independent external arbitrators who are highly specialized in the subject matter of the research, who are chosen secretly by the journal.
  • The journal is morally obligated to respect the researcher’s privacy, objectivity and scientific honesty in dealing with research and not to make available any information concerning the name of the researcher and the participating researchers or e-mail addresses submitted in the research, whether by the journal’s administration or the editorial board to any party and for any purpose except for the researcher and the relevant arbitrators Search arbitration.
  • The journal is committed to fully disclosing its final decision related to the research in accordance with the arbitrators’ recommendations for one of the following options: (accepting the research for publication without modifications – accepting the research for publication after making specific modifications – accepting the research for publication after making substantial modifications that require sending the

Research for the second time to the same arbitrators to ensure that the modifications the request has been fulfilled - the search was refused and an apology for publishing. And that within a period not exceeding one month from the date of receiving the research. As for the research accepted for publication after the modification procedures, the researcher is notified of making the required modifications in accordance with the recommendations of the arbitrators, and the final version is sent after the modification within the time period specified for the researcher.